Bike Trail Safety Tips for New Cyclists
Being able to spend some time on the many bike trails that Naples, FL has to offer is one of the great joys of owning a bicycle. Whether you’re going for distance, speed or just a leisurely ride, bike trails are the ideal way to enjoy your time in the saddle without having to worry about the dangers of the road. But, in order to enjoy your time to the fullest and avoid accident and injury, it’s important to stay alert while on a bike trail.
Bike trails may be inherently safer than pedaling out on the open road, but there are still concerns to take into consideration—including trail debris, other riders and weather conditions. Take a look at a few bike trail safety tips to consider the next time you’re out on the trail:
- One of the biggest contributors to the need for bicycle repair in Naples, FL is an unkempt bike trail. Fallen tree limbs, potholes, rocks and more can all creep up unexpectedly in front of your bike, and it’s hard to avoid them! Many cyclists end up with bent rims, blown tubes and more. Keep your eyes in front of you at all times, so you can spot trail debris and avoid it carefully.
- In the same vein as avoiding road debris, make sure to warn whomever you’re riding with about impending obstructions along the trail. Point to them as you ride around them or give an audible warning such as “debris!” as you pass. Riders behind you will appreciate it.
- Always carry a spare tube and a patch kit when trail riding. If you blow an inner tube, replacing it can only take a few minutes, as opposed to having to walk your bike to the nearest offshoot of the trail.
- Keep to the right of trail when riding, as you would on the road with a car. This ensures you’re leaving room for other pedestrians or riders on the trail who may be coming the other way. It’s especially helpful around corners, where collisions are more likely to occur due to limited vision.
- Don’t ride after dark—even if you have a light! Trails are more secluded and more dangerous without full visibility. The chances of a collision are much higher in low light situations!
- If you’re going to pass someone on a bike trail, be sure to announce it and always pass on the left. A simple “on your left!” announcement should do the trick. Conversely, if you’re the person being passed, be sure to move over to the right if you have room, and keep your current pace. If you speed up, it’ll be harder for someone to safely pass.
These are just a few basic trail riding tips and tricks to help you be a better cyclist. Keep them in mind the next time you go out riding and you’re more likely to avoid accidents, injuries and the need for bicycle repair in Naples, FL. In the event that you need bike repair, or if you’re looking to upgrade to a bike that’s more conducive to trail riding, visit Big Momma’s Bicycles today.
Categorised in: Bike Safety