The Importance of Using Bike Hand Signals
Today, most people don’t know how to use hand bike signals or understand the most essential hand signals. That’s why it has been a challenge for many bikers on the road to consistently use hand signals. Do you have to use hand signals on a bike? Here is the importance of using hand signals on a bike.
1. Communicate in Group Riding
Group riding is one of the best ways to enjoy time on your bike. But it can also be dangerous if you don’t know how to communicate with the people you’re riding with. That’s why it’s important to use hand signals when riding in a group. Hand signals will help you communicate with the other riders in your group so that everyone knows what’s happening.
2. Avoid Accidents
Another reason to use hand signals on a bike is to avoid accidents. If you’re riding in traffic, you must let the other drivers know what you’re doing. Hand signals will help you do that. Using hand signals lets the other drivers know when you’re turning, stopping, or changing lanes. This will help them prepare for what you’re doing and avoid accidents.
3. Be Visible at Night
If you’re riding at night, it’s important to be visible to other motorists. Hand signals can help you do that. When you use hand signals, you can make yourself more visible to the other drivers. This will assist them in seeing you and avoiding a collision. In some instances, hand signals may even be required by law. You won’t know until you check your local laws, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
4. Indicate when Changing Lanes
Changing lanes can be dangerous, especially if you’re in traffic. That’s why it’s important to use hand signals when changing lanes. You can let the other drivers know what you’re doing through hand signals so they can be prepared and make sure everyone gets where they’re going safely. Everyone around you will appreciate it.
5. Communicate to Pedestrians
Most pedestrians are looking down at their phones and not paying attention to what’s happening around them. As a result, it’s important to use hand signals to let them know you’re there. You can let the pedestrians know when you’re going to turn or stop. This will assist them in being prepared and preventing an accident. You can also use hand signals to let them know if crossing the street is safe.
As you can see, there are many reasons to use hand signals on a bike. Whether riding in a group or in traffic, hand signals can help you communicate with the people around you and avoid accidents. So next time you’re out on your bike, be sure to use hand signals. It could save your life. Contact Big Momma’s Bicycles for all your bicycle needs. We’ll be ready to help you with whatever you need.
Categorised in: Bike Safety