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Why Are Double Wall Wheels Better Than Single Wall Wheels on Bicycles?

July 12, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

What is a double wall wheel? A double wall wheel is a bicycle wheel with two layers of spoke material rather than just one. This means the system has been built strong enough to offer maximum grip on the road while providing other significant benefits. Are Double Wall Rims Better? There are some essential benefits from using a double wall wheel.  Resistant to bending Bicycles are fantastic machines. However, they are not indestructible; you can break them if you are not careful. One of the most significant advantages of having a double wall wheel is that it is much more resistant to bending than a single wall wheel. If you hit a pothole or something similar while riding your bike,... View Article

How Bicycling Positively Affects The Environment

June 24, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

What are the positive effects of cycling? Over the years, cycling has always been seen as a reliable method of moving from one location to another in addition to offering fundamental fitness benefits. However, in recent times, biking has been found to have positive impacts on the surroundings. But how is cycling good for the environment? 1. Reduction of Air Pollution Biking is an eco-friendly activity that helps in the reduction of air pollution. As you bike, there are no emissions from an engine, making it a convenient way to commute without causing any harm to the environment. Additionally, bikes don’t require fuel like cars; thus, there’s no need for regular trips to the gas station. Developed countries are already... View Article

What Are the Benefits of Bike Paths?

June 17, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

What is biking and its benefits? Those who have been biking for many years can appreciate the physical fitness biking brings. However, biking is considered more effective when bike paths are available. This article discusses the importance of bike lanes.  1. Fewer Biker Injuries Over the years, findings have indicated that bikers are less likely to be injured when using bike paths. This is because bike paths are often located away from traffic. As a result, bikers are less likely to be involved in car accidents.  In addition, bike paths are often made of smooth surfaces such as asphalt or concrete. This is in contrast to roads which are often made of bumpy surfaces. As a result, bikers are less likely... View Article

How To Choose Car Bike Racks

May 19, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Choosing car bike racks can be difficult and time-consuming. The most important factor to consider is the type of rack that will best suit your needs. There are many types of racks on the market, so it’s important to do your research before purchasing. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a bike rack for your car. 1. The Type of Rack One of the most important aspects to think about when buying a car bike rack is the type of rack itself. There are two main types: roof racks and hitch-mounted racks. Roof racks are generally less expensive than other types of bike racks, but they can be difficult to install on some vehicles, especially if you don’t... View Article

Different Types of Bike Pedals

May 19, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

You can still ride a bike without pedals, but that would make the ride slow and less fun — it’s the most important contact point between you and the type of bike you ride. However, not many people worry or think too much about bike pedals options or whether it makes any difference at all. But the truth is, understanding different bike pedals and what they offer is important. According to research, there is a considerable variation in power output across pedal types throughout different periods, including short sprints of just a few seconds and prolonged durations of two minutes or more. It also affects the effort you may need to turn the pedal and your comfort level during pedaling. In short, choosing the... View Article