June 22, 2020 5:24 pm
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We’ve all seen news stories recently about shortages of various products related to COVID-19. Most coverage has focused on a lack of toilet paper, sanitary wipes, hand soap and hand sanitizer, but there are other shortages as well. One significant shortage that isn’t getting enough coverage is bicycles! This shortage has two causes: a lack of supply and high demand. Continue reading to learn more about how the novel coronavirus has impacted bike sales in Naples, FL. Supply Like many products in America, most bicycles on the road are manufactured in Asia. As you can imagine, COVID-19 forced many factories across China and other Asian manufacturing nations to shut down. Without any bikes being produced, bike shops across the country... View Article
June 8, 2020 5:24 pm
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Bicycles have been a popular form of transportation and exercise since the early 1900s. More recently, however, riders have made the switch from standard bikes to electric models. As the name suggests, electric bikes—or e-bikes—are bicycles that are partially powered by an electric motor. This post will cover the difference between e-bikes and standard bikes, and teach you a little more about e-bike sales in Naples, FL. About e-bikes E-bikes have been around for about 20 years and don’t look all that much different from standard bicycles. The only difference in the structure is that e-bikes have a battery-powered motor, a drivetrain and a throttle to control the power. Though they’ve been around for a while, early models weren’t all... View Article
May 21, 2020 9:54 pm
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There are a lot of things that are different this May, but one thing hasn’t changed: it’s still National Bike Month. The League of American Bicyclists established National Bike Month to celebrate cycling and encourage riders who use bicycles for exercise, recreation and commuting. No matter how often you ride your bike or how much experience you have as a cyclist, it’s still a great time to celebrate National Bike Month to stay healthy and active during shelter-in-place and social distancing measures. National Bike Month 2020 Most years, the League of American Bicyclists encourages people to bike to work and go on bike rides with friends to promote the practice of bike riding for recreation and transportation. This year, National... View Article
May 7, 2020 9:54 pm
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There’s no denying how important exercise is to overall health and wellbeing, and physical activity is especially important these days. Now that people are staying at home more and getting out less, it’s essential to make an effort to get outside and get active while keeping a safe distance from other people. If you want to stay active with regular bike rides, or are looking into bicycle sales in Naples, FL in an effort to take up a new hobby during the pandemic, make sure to keep the following safe cycling tips in mind. What you need to know about cycling during COVID-19 Before you hit the road with your bike, there are some important things to keep in mind... View Article
April 21, 2020 1:58 pm
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Society is facing difficult times, and life as we know it has changed, at least for the foreseeable future. In the midst of the confusion, many people have found themselves in need of new types of entertainment, new ways of exercising and new forms of transportation in order to stay safe and keep their distance from crowds. In this crisis, getting a bike from your local bike shop in Naples, FL can be a great solution. The current coronavirus pandemic is not the first time people have turned to bicycles to help them during a difficult time. After 9/11, New Yorkers turned to bicycles to help them get around. Transit strikes in major cities like Paris, Philadelphia and London found... View Article