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The Most Common Questions About Bike Pedals

November 26, 2018 9:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

You have the ability to swap out your bike pedals any time you wish to do so—in fact, they tend to be among the most-personalized bike accessories in Naples, FL. Many road bikes even come without pedals supplied, requiring you to make the initial decision about the kind of pedals you will use. If you are relatively new to the cycling world, though, or simply don’t know much about bike accessories, you might have some questions about choosing the right pedals for your bike. Here are a few tips we have to help you choose the best bike pedals for you. Know the different types of bike pedals If you’ve never gone shopping for bike pedals before, you probably haven’t... View Article

Tips for Choosing the Correct Tire Size

November 12, 2018 9:45 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Your tires are perhaps the most important part of your bicycle. After all, they are what stands between you and the pavement, and they are going to take the most abuse out of any part of your bike. You should never take the tires on your bike for granted—you must do everything you can to keep them in good condition. Of course, if you use your bike often enough, you will at some point need to purchase new tires for your bike. The question then becomes, how can you know you’re getting a tire that will actually fit your bike? Here’s some information you should know about tires the next time you head into a bicycle shop in Naples, FL.... View Article

The Basics of Bike Gears and Shifting

October 31, 2018 7:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

For casual cyclists, understanding the complex combinations of gears that make up modern bikes can be a daunting task. Sometimes, even more experienced riders struggle to shift gears smoothly or identify a torque that best suits the type of environment they’re currently riding through. Some bikes, like cruiser bikes in Naples, FL, or fixed-gear road cycles, don’t have any gears to shift. These are often ideal for use in flat, urban environments, or on relaxed, well-paved trails. More challenging terrain, however, requires bikes capable of shifting gears. Understanding bike gears It’s important to understand the different types of bike gears and subsequent torque ratios before learning how to shift correctly. Most modern street and mountain bikes include one, two or... View Article

A Basic Cycling Checklist

October 17, 2018 7:57 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There are few things more enjoyable than a fall bicycle ride. If it’s been a while since you had your bike out on the road or path, however, it can be helpful to go over a quick checklist to remind yourself about the most important things to bring with you on your cycling endeavor. If you need any of these biking essentials, stop by your favorite local bike shop in Naples, FL. They can help you find the tools and supplies you need to ride your bike safely, frequently and enjoyably! There are a number of essential things that you should never forget to bring with you when biking, even if you’re just taking advantage of a bike rental in... View Article

Road Biking for Beginners

October 1, 2018 3:59 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As a leading bike shop in Naples, FL, we get a lot of questions from beginners about how to road bike as safely as possible. While road biking can be intimidating if you don’t have a lot of experience, all you really need to do is learn a few rules of the road to succeed at it. If you are considering becoming a beginning road biker, read on for more information about how to prepare for this new hobby, and how to ensure your own safety and comfort on the road: Dress appropriately: The clothes make the biker—or at least, they certainly help! When biking on the road, you will want an outfit that won’t flap in the wind, and... View Article