October 28, 2019 10:37 pm
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As simple as choosing a bicycle lock may seem, you should do your homework to ensure you buy the right one for protection against theft. Gone are the days when you could leave your bike unattended and come back hours later and have it still be where you left it. Today, criminals see unlocked bicycles as easy picking, so lock yours up! If you don’t have a lock or need a new one, take some time to get online to review expert recommendations, check out descriptions of locks that catch your eye and read customer reviews. You need to know about the different kinds of bicycle locks out there before choosing one that’ll prevent theft, including their material, size, shape... View Article
October 14, 2019 10:37 pm
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Biking is a great way to get exercise, stay healthy and enjoy your community, but remember: safety first! Set yourself up for successful rides every time with these cycling tips for Naples, FL bicyclists: Know the rules of the road: Motorists and bicyclists can’t read each other’s minds, which is why there are rules—make sure to ride in the same direction of traffic, yield before entering a road, yield to vehicles when changing lanes, obey traffic lights and signs, etc. Bicyclists have more to lose if the rules are violated, from being hit by a car to triggering auto accidents. Knowing and following the rules of the road is the best way to ensure everyone’s safety. Stay off sidewalks: Adults... View Article
September 30, 2019 11:30 pm
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We’ve known that cycling is good for our physical wellbeing for quite some time, but we’re now learning that cycling is great for our minds as well as our bodies! Even a short bike ride can have positive effects on your brain. Continue reading to learn more about cycling and health in Naples, FL: Endorphins: You’ve probably heard of a “runner’s high” that folks say they get after going on a long run. Well, the same sensation can be felt after a few miles on the bike. As we ride, chemicals like dopamine and serotonin are released in the brain. Dopamine gets you energized and motivated, while serotonin gives you a sense of confidence. Those are two pretty great feelings,... View Article
September 16, 2019 11:30 pm
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Whether you’re a world-class cyclist or someone who enjoys a leisurely bike ride on Sunday afternoons, you’ve probably experienced some soreness the day following a ride. That’s to be expected—muscle soreness is common after bike rides, particularly if it was a long or intense route. As part of our series on cycling and health in Naples, FL, this post will teach you more about muscle soreness. How does muscle soreness develop? Muscle soreness doesn’t just occur after a long bike ride. It’s common after any sort of strenuous physical activity. Though scientists used to believe it’s caused by an overproduction of lactic acid, they now understand that it’s the result of small tears in the muscle fibers. When water enters... View Article
August 28, 2019 2:11 am
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Whether you’re thinking about getting into cycling for the first time or you’ve been an avid cyclist for years, it’s important to ensure that any bike you ride is equipped with the best parts and components possible. One of the most important parts of your bike is the pedals—you should make sure that your bike is equipped with the pedals that are right for you. Consider the different types of pedals and different bike pedal uses in Naples, FL so you can feel confident you are choosing the best option for your needs: Clipless bike pedals: Clipless bike pedals were developed to replace complicated toe clip pedal systems. They feature a set of spring-loaded clips that attach directly to a... View Article