November 26, 2018 9:46 pm
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You have the ability to swap out your bike pedals any time you wish to do so—in fact, they tend to be among the most-personalized bike accessories in Naples, FL. Many road bikes even come without pedals supplied, requiring you to make the initial decision about the kind of pedals you will use. If you are relatively new to the cycling world, though, or simply don’t know much about bike accessories, you might have some questions about choosing the right pedals for your bike. Here are a few tips we have to help you choose the best bike pedals for you. Know the different types of bike pedals If you’ve never gone shopping for bike pedals before, you probably haven’t... View Article
November 12, 2018 9:45 pm
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Your tires are perhaps the most important part of your bicycle. After all, they are what stands between you and the pavement, and they are going to take the most abuse out of any part of your bike. You should never take the tires on your bike for granted—you must do everything you can to keep them in good condition. Of course, if you use your bike often enough, you will at some point need to purchase new tires for your bike. The question then becomes, how can you know you’re getting a tire that will actually fit your bike? Here’s some information you should know about tires the next time you head into a bicycle shop in Naples, FL.... View Article
October 31, 2018 7:57 pm
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For casual cyclists, understanding the complex combinations of gears that make up modern bikes can be a daunting task. Sometimes, even more experienced riders struggle to shift gears smoothly or identify a torque that best suits the type of environment they’re currently riding through. Some bikes, like cruiser bikes in Naples, FL, or fixed-gear road cycles, don’t have any gears to shift. These are often ideal for use in flat, urban environments, or on relaxed, well-paved trails. More challenging terrain, however, requires bikes capable of shifting gears. Understanding bike gears It’s important to understand the different types of bike gears and subsequent torque ratios before learning how to shift correctly. Most modern street and mountain bikes include one, two or... View Article
September 17, 2018 3:58 pm
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Whether you use your bike as your primary mode of transportation or as a fun weekend hobby, there are few things more frustrating than realizing your bike has a flat tire. Fortunately, fixing that flat can be quick and fairly easy, provided you know what you are doing. Drawing on our vast experience with bike repair in Naples, FL, here’s a quick guide to how to fix a flat bike tire. Remove the wheel Before you can assess and fix the flat tire, you will need to remove the affected wheel from the bike. The first step to doing that is to release the brakes. With some bikes, you can do this by squeezing the brake arms together to release... View Article
April 16, 2018 2:14 pm
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You usually ride your bike during the day, but that is when the sun is out and shining brightly. If you were walking, you might pull out a pair of your favorite sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun. Some people automatically assume that those same sunglasses will be appropriate to wear while riding a bike, but this is incorrect. If you are simply enjoying a bike rental in Naples, FL for the afternoon, you can probably get away with wearing normal sunglasses, but if you are trying to cycle more intensely or competitively, it’s a good idea to invest in some cycling glasses. These glasses provide an additional level of safety while riding, while being specially designed for... View Article