March 7, 2022 12:00 am
Published by admin
Now that winter is almost gone, you may wonder, "How do I get my bike ready for spring?" It’s time to start preparing your bike now. Here is a handy checklist of things to do to get your bicycle ready for spring. Do Some Cleaning Spring bicycle maintenance should start with a good cleaning. It will help keep it running smoothly all season. A good wash will remove all the dirt and grime built up over the winter. Wash your frame, chain, and wheels — the whole thing. Use a mild soap and a soft brush to avoid scratching the paint. Inspect Your Tires Check for wear and tear. If your tires are looking bald, it’s time for new ones. The tires should... View Article
September 1, 2020 10:11 pm
Published by Writer
Have you pulled out your old bike recently? If the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred you to use a bicycle for transportation or recreation, it’s time for a refresher course on bike repair and maintenance in Naples, FL. Taking care of your bike is the key to enjoying safe, fun rides around town—here’s why you should keep a close eye on your bike’s condition: Guarantee your safety: Bicycle safety isn’t limited to knowing the proper hand signals and wearing a helmet. You also need to keep up on your regular maintenance. This ensures that you stay on top of your bike’s wear and tear before a problem occurs. In addition to the effect that age can have on your bike’s components,... View Article
August 28, 2018 3:39 pm
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Getting into any new hobby can be a bit intimidating. There’s always some new language to learn, and you may not quickly grasp the subtleties of all these new words. Cyclists are no exception, throwing around unfamiliar words like “salmoning,” “door zone” and “shoaling.” Luckily, we’re here to help you out. These words aren’t just nice to know—many of them are all about keeping you safe while you’re out for a ride. And that starts with finding great bicycle service in Naples, FL. An excellent technician will ensure that your bicycle is road ready. Here’s how to navigate the world of cycling lingo: Salmoning: You probably know that cyclists are supposed to follow the rules of the road. You wouldn’t... View Article
April 30, 2018 2:14 pm
Published by Writer
Whether you own a bicycle to get yourself from point A to B around town or you simply enjoy riding it for fun or sport, chances are, it will get dirty over time. Bikes are big investments and should be well maintained over the years to preserve their parts and extend their lifespan. Cleaning your bike regularly can cut down on any buildup of dirt and grease and can help prevent the need for frequent or emergency bike service in Naples, FL. We know that the process of cleaning your bicycle can be a pain. Many bike owners aren’t sure about how often to clean or what areas are most important to target. Luckily, the guide below can give you... View Article
March 13, 2018 5:17 pm
Published by Writer
Quick release wheels make it much easier for you to quickly remove the wheels of your bicycle without having to use any tools. This is especially beneficial if you regularly travel with a bike in your vehicle, or if you ever need to repair a flat bicycle tire. However, it is important to make sure you understand how to safely and appropriately use the quick wheel release function. Improper usage could damage your bicycle, and potentially lead to unsafe handling or a wheel falling off while you’re biking, especially if you have not tightened the lever properly. Here’s a quick look at how you can tell if you are using your quick release function properly while engaged in bicycle repair... View Article