Categories for Bike Shop

Bikes Offer Reliable Transportation After Hurricanes

September 19, 2017 1:53 am Published by Leave your thoughts

On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy, a Category 2 hurricane, hit the Atlantic coast, killing over 200 people and bringing parts of New York City to a halt. In the wake of the devastation, professional cyclists took to the streets to bring food and other supplies to far-reaching parts of the city that couldn’t be accessed by traditional modes of transportation. Now, in the wake of Hurricane Irma, Floridians are finding out once again how useful bikes can be in the midst of disaster. Bicycles have always been one of the most reliable forms of transportation in emergency situations. Unlike other vehicles, bikes require no fuel, which can be impossible to come by in a disaster-stricken area. Bikes have no... View Article

You’re Mounting Your Bicycle All Wrong!

June 12, 2017 3:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Most of us learned how to ride a bike when we were pretty young and fairly uncoordinated, and the first step in that long process was obviously getting on the bike. Hopefully you didn’t tip over too many times when you were first learning, but if you did, know that you weren’t alone! Even decades later, just getting on the bike (also known as mounting the bike) is one of the most difficult aspects of riding for a lot of folks. The following guide from our bike shop in Naples, FL will help you learn how to mount your bike so you won’t tip over injure yourself or embarrass yourself in front of the other people in your riding group.... View Article