November 10, 2017 6:55 pm
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Your bicycle can take you almost anywhere. Whether you like to enjoy long weekend rides or you take your bike to work every day to cut down on gas costs, you want to be sure that you are getting the best performance possible out of your bicycle, and this includes visiting a bike shop in Naples, FL for regular maintenance. Regardless of how long you have been riding your bike, it’s likely that you have heard about some of the terms that cyclists and shops throw around—even if you aren’t quite sure what they mean. For example, wheel truing is a popular practice that is an important aspect of wheel maintenance. It’s important that you learn a thing or two... View Article
October 30, 2017 7:26 pm
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Many people ride a bike daily to work or around town as their main form of transportation, while others ride for exercise. Then there are riders who enjoy outdoor bicycling for fun and adventure, so long as the weather is decent. So it comes as no surprise that many dozens of bicycles in Naples, FL can be regularly spotted on local bike trails year-round—like wilderness trails, parks and beach paths. Naples if a popular destination for bicycling, drawing the attention of cyclists near and far. With over 30 miles of bicycle paths as well as bike-friendly roadways, the city continues its push to becoming an even more bike friendly community. The area’s great weather makes biking a popular activity, and... View Article
October 16, 2017 7:26 pm
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If you’re a bicyclist or know someone who is, then the following information will help you understand Florida’s bicycle laws before you head out on your bike rental in Naples, FL. Like many other U.S. states, Florida law considers bicycles to be vehicles. Therefore, bicyclists are afforded the same roadway rights and responsibilities as road vehicles. Both must remember to share the road. When motorists and bicyclists treat each other with respect and courtesy, everyone benefits. Statistics show that nearly 75 percent of cycling deaths are due to head trauma, and thousands of head injuries could be prevented if all cyclists wore properly fitting bicycle helmets. Bike riders in Florida under the age of 16 are required to wear a... View Article
October 3, 2017 1:53 am
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What’s the best thing about fall in Florida? All your favorite outdoor activities become much more bearable, including bike riding! Naples has some wonderful bike trails with great views, but getting out on your bike in Florida’s summer heat can be unbearable. Now, with temperatures dropping as we head into October, bicyclists are heading out to their favorite bike routes in droves. If you’re a local biking enthusiast, you already know what we’re talking about and probably can’t wait to hit your favorite bike trail. But before you do that, you’ll want to make sure that your bike is ready. To help you accomplish this, here’s a simple bike inspection checklist to get your bike ready for fall: Lubricant: Just... View Article
September 19, 2017 1:53 am
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On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy, a Category 2 hurricane, hit the Atlantic coast, killing over 200 people and bringing parts of New York City to a halt. In the wake of the devastation, professional cyclists took to the streets to bring food and other supplies to far-reaching parts of the city that couldn’t be accessed by traditional modes of transportation. Now, in the wake of Hurricane Irma, Floridians are finding out once again how useful bikes can be in the midst of disaster. Bicycles have always been one of the most reliable forms of transportation in emergency situations. Unlike other vehicles, bikes require no fuel, which can be impossible to come by in a disaster-stricken area. Bikes have no... View Article