September 27, 2021 10:41 pm
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Vacations are a great time to relax and take in the sights of a new place. Who’s to say you can’t do that while riding your bike? In fact, riding a bike while on vacation is a great way to take in those sights without missing anything. Read on for more benefits to cycling while on vacation. A great way to spend time with friends and family If you’re looking for a great way to enjoy some sights with your friends and family while on vacation, go for a bike ride. It’s easy to find bike rentals on vacation, so you won’t even have to worry if someone’s forgotten their bike. Simply research local bike trails, and schedule a time... View Article
September 3, 2021 12:50 pm
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If you haven’t ridden a bike since you were a kid, you’re missing out on more than that nostalgic feeling of wind whipping through your hair on a care-free Tuesday after-school ride. There are many health benefits to cycling that you can take advantage of at any age. Can bike riding lead to healthy habits? Yes, it can! Once you make bike riding part of your daily routine, or include it in your regular workouts, it can be hard to break the habit—and this is one habit you’ll want to keep. Here are some reasons why bike riding is a good way to get and stay in shape. Promotes weight loss One of the most basic rules of weight loss... View Article
August 20, 2021 12:50 pm
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Though they were held in 2021 due to delays from the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Olympics provided the same level of competition and drama expected from the global competition. The 2021 Olympic cycling events had something that every kind of cycling enthusiast could enjoy. There were five different types of cycling events, including BMX freestyle, BMX racing, road cycling, track cycling and mountain biking. Here’s more information about the Tokyo 2021 Olympic cycling races, as well as the non-race BMX freestyle event. If you missed out this year, you might want to catch these events next time! BMX freestyle BMX freestyle is a different type of cycling than the traditional race setup. Scoring in BMX freestyle is similar to a... View Article
August 11, 2021 10:53 pm
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Regardless of the type of bike you’re on or the distance you’re riding, bike safety is paramount for your ride. While paying attention to your surroundings and knowing the best practices for bike safety will get you far, you still need to invest in some equipment to keep yourself as safe as possible. These are a few of the top accessories to purchase. Helmet Whether you’re riding across town or up the street, you should always put a helmet on before you hop on your bike. We advise spending a bit more to get a high-quality helmet with a high safety rating. Along with buying a quality helmet, be sure yours fits snug against your head for ultimate protection. Our... View Article
July 28, 2021 10:53 pm
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On the surface, stopping a bike seems like it’s pretty straightforward. You engage one handbrake to stop the front wheel and the other lever to stop the back wheel. However, it’s not always that simple. This post will cover what you need to know about front and back bike brakes. Front brakes Your front bike brakes have more stopping power than the rear brakes and are your go-to brakes for stopping in an emergency. But you need to be careful when slamming on the front brakes because the sudden stop in motion can cause you to fly over the handlebars. To avoid flipping over, keep your arms rigid and lean back slightly to control both your bike and body. When... View Article