October 17, 2018 7:57 pm
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There are few things more enjoyable than a fall bicycle ride. If it’s been a while since you had your bike out on the road or path, however, it can be helpful to go over a quick checklist to remind yourself about the most important things to bring with you on your cycling endeavor. If you need any of these biking essentials, stop by your favorite local bike shop in Naples, FL. They can help you find the tools and supplies you need to ride your bike safely, frequently and enjoyably! There are a number of essential things that you should never forget to bring with you when biking, even if you’re just taking advantage of a bike rental in... View Article
October 1, 2018 3:59 pm
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As a leading bike shop in Naples, FL, we get a lot of questions from beginners about how to road bike as safely as possible. While road biking can be intimidating if you don’t have a lot of experience, all you really need to do is learn a few rules of the road to succeed at it. If you are considering becoming a beginning road biker, read on for more information about how to prepare for this new hobby, and how to ensure your own safety and comfort on the road: Dress appropriately: The clothes make the biker—or at least, they certainly help! When biking on the road, you will want an outfit that won’t flap in the wind, and... View Article
September 17, 2018 3:58 pm
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Whether you use your bike as your primary mode of transportation or as a fun weekend hobby, there are few things more frustrating than realizing your bike has a flat tire. Fortunately, fixing that flat can be quick and fairly easy, provided you know what you are doing. Drawing on our vast experience with bike repair in Naples, FL, here’s a quick guide to how to fix a flat bike tire. Remove the wheel Before you can assess and fix the flat tire, you will need to remove the affected wheel from the bike. The first step to doing that is to release the brakes. With some bikes, you can do this by squeezing the brake arms together to release... View Article
August 28, 2018 3:39 pm
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Getting into any new hobby can be a bit intimidating. There’s always some new language to learn, and you may not quickly grasp the subtleties of all these new words. Cyclists are no exception, throwing around unfamiliar words like “salmoning,” “door zone” and “shoaling.” Luckily, we’re here to help you out. These words aren’t just nice to know—many of them are all about keeping you safe while you’re out for a ride. And that starts with finding great bicycle service in Naples, FL. An excellent technician will ensure that your bicycle is road ready. Here’s how to navigate the world of cycling lingo: Salmoning: You probably know that cyclists are supposed to follow the rules of the road. You wouldn’t... View Article
August 14, 2018 3:38 pm
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Biking with your children can be a joy. From taking off the training wheels to going on a long ride, it’s valuable quality time that every parent cherishes. Of course, you want your child to be safe while you’re riding with them. It’s one thing to go around the cul-de-sac a few times; it’s quite another to be heading down a busy street together. Doing this the right way starts with picking an excellent bike shop in Naples, FL. The right shop will have the expert staff who can help you and your family navigate the roads smoothly and safely. Let’s take a look at some top tips for getting out on the road with your children: Practice: It’s vital... View Article