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Road Hazards to Avoid: Safety Tips from Your Bike Shop in Naples, FL

May 10, 2018 10:21 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Biking offers enjoyment, exercise and entertainment. Unfortunately, it can also result in injury. As you travel the trails and open roadways, you’ll encounter many potential hazards. If you’re not careful while you ride, you may hurt yourself, your bike or both. Wearing bike helmets in Naples, FL is a good start, but it’s not enough. Use the following tips from your bike shop in Naples, FL to avoid road hazards and keep your cycling safe: Eyes on the prize: It might be tempting to watch your wheels, the trail or a digital display on your bike. Quick glances are okay, but don’t take your eyes off where you’re going for more than a quick second. Keep your head up and... View Article

How to Keep Your Bike Clean and Why It’s Important

April 30, 2018 2:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether you own a bicycle to get yourself from point A to B around town or you simply enjoy riding it for fun or sport, chances are, it will get dirty over time. Bikes are big investments and should be well maintained over the years to preserve their parts and extend their lifespan. Cleaning your bike regularly can cut down on any buildup of dirt and grease and can help prevent the need for frequent or emergency bike service in Naples, FL. We know that the process of cleaning your bicycle can be a pain. Many bike owners aren’t sure about how often to clean or what areas are most important to target. Luckily, the guide below can give you... View Article

The Type of Sunglasses You Should Wear on Bike Rides

April 16, 2018 2:14 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

You usually ride your bike during the day, but that is when the sun is out and shining brightly. If you were walking, you might pull out a pair of your favorite sunglasses to shield your eyes from the sun. Some people automatically assume that those same sunglasses will be appropriate to wear while riding a bike, but this is incorrect. If you are simply enjoying a bike rental in Naples, FL for the afternoon, you can probably get away with wearing normal sunglasses, but if you are trying to cycle more intensely or competitively, it’s a good idea to invest in some cycling glasses. These glasses provide an additional level of safety while riding, while being specially designed for... View Article

Get to Know the Different Types of Bike Locks

March 27, 2018 5:18 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

While any type of bike lock can be broken with enough determination, there are some that are certain to provide much more security than others. Here’s a brief overview of some of the most common types of bike locks and their various advantages. Come down to our bike shop to browse our bike accessories in Naples, FL when you’ve decided which type of lock you’d like to get for yourself! U locks: This extremely popular style of bike lock makes an outstanding deterrent for thieves. It is bulky and highly resistant to hammers, chisels and other brute force theft tools. The horseshoe shape also limits the ability for a potential thief to use leverage to remove it from its locked... View Article

Safe Uses of Quick Release Bicycles: Info from a Bike Service

March 13, 2018 5:17 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Quick release wheels make it much easier for you to quickly remove the wheels of your bicycle without having to use any tools. This is especially beneficial if you regularly travel with a bike in your vehicle, or if you ever need to repair a flat bicycle tire. However, it is important to make sure you understand how to safely and appropriately use the quick wheel release function. Improper usage could damage your bicycle, and potentially lead to unsafe handling or a wheel falling off while you’re biking, especially if you have not tightened the lever properly. Here’s a quick look at how you can tell if you are using your quick release function properly while engaged in bicycle repair... View Article