December 16, 2020 7:51 pm
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Shopping for holiday gifts can be tricky—unless you’re giving gifts to a cyclist! There are tons of Christmas gifts for bike riders in Naples, FL that are exciting to receive and easy to shop for. This post will cover some of the top gifts to give your cyclist friends and family members this year: Smart light set: Even if your recipient doesn’t do a ton of riding in the early morning or evenings when it’s dark out, they could still use a set of lights. Smart lights automatically adjust for the surroundings, providing the rider with the perfect amount of light and visibility for drivers with whom they’re sharing the road. There’s no better way to stay safe than with... View Article
October 28, 2019 10:37 pm
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As simple as choosing a bicycle lock may seem, you should do your homework to ensure you buy the right one for protection against theft. Gone are the days when you could leave your bike unattended and come back hours later and have it still be where you left it. Today, criminals see unlocked bicycles as easy picking, so lock yours up! If you don’t have a lock or need a new one, take some time to get online to review expert recommendations, check out descriptions of locks that catch your eye and read customer reviews. You need to know about the different kinds of bicycle locks out there before choosing one that’ll prevent theft, including their material, size, shape... View Article
June 12, 2019 12:03 am
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Any long-term cyclist knows that soreness may just be part of the sport. However, if you’re experiencing excessive numbness or soreness, you may have an improperly fitting bike. Visit a bicycle shop to make sure all your components are properly adjusted and minimize soreness after long rides. You want to limit stress on your body so you can enjoy a long, pain-free ride. Follow these tips for adjusting your bike yourself, and visit a local bike shop to pick up any bike accessories in Naples, FL that might help with comfort: The right size frame: Before you can make any adjustments, you’ll want to make sure you are riding the right size bike for your height. No number of adjustments... View Article
March 18, 2019 11:45 pm
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Riding a bicycle is a great hobby that lets you get excellent exercise while enjoying the world around you. Biking for more than a few minutes, however, can be a pain in the butt—literally. One reason for this is saddle sores, which form on the rear due to abrasion. You can avoid saddle sores by using high-quality bike accessories in Naples, FL, but there are other tricks and tips that can also prevent you from this painful side effect of biking. Read on for more information: A good fitting saddle: The first mistake you can make is jumping on a bike without paying attention to the saddle. You’ll want to consider two main things when choosing a saddle. First, you... View Article
January 24, 2019 7:30 pm
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Part of the fun of being a cyclist is getting to buy new gadgets to go with your bike. And beyond just being neat, these cycling accessories are also key to keeping you safe and comfortable on your bike—and keeping you moving forward. Are you planning to stock up on bike accessories in Naples, FL anytime soon? There are so many bicycle accessories in Naples, FL to choose from, and most of them have something to offer. But we’ve made a list of the gadgets we think are the most essential for any cyclist, whether they’re an expert or a beginner: Pump: If your tire pressure gets too low, it can be difficult to move at a quick pace. It... View Article