Categories for Bike Helmet

Proper Fitting for Bike Helmets

December 28, 2017 6:06 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Cyclists of all ages and skill levels should be aware of the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet while operating a cycle. Cycling in any environment is a dangerous activity that can pose substantial health risks. You can avoid head injuries and protect yourself from concussions by wearing an appropriate bike helmet any time that you mount your cycle! Investing in the appropriate bike accessories in Naples, FL is the best way to ensure that your ride is smooth, safe and enjoyable. Selecting the right type of bike helmet may seem simple, but it can actually be a challenging task! When visiting a bike shop, you should be sure to ask for professional guidance on how to choose a helmet... View Article

Five Common Mistakes Many New and Experienced Cyclists Make

September 5, 2017 12:57 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Riding a bike is fun and a great form of exercise, but there are some things you might be doing to make it not so enjoyable. Here are a few common mistakes many cyclists make, including not wearing bike helmets in Naples, FL: Setting the wrong seat height: If your bicycle seat is the wrong height, then you are probably getting tired very early on in your bike ride. The reason for this is that, when your seat is positioned too high or too low, your knees are not at an optimal angle to push the pedal. While it’s easy enough to conclude that your seat is too high—your feet won’t reach the pedals—you may not notice right away if... View Article

What You Need to Know About Florida’s Helmet Law

July 28, 2017 12:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether you are a beginner to riding bicycles or consider yourself an expert downhill mountain biker, you will have heard about the necessity of wearing a bike helmet in Naples, FL. Bike helmets have been proven to reduce the risk of head injury by 88 percent and reduce the risk of facial injury by 65 percent. Wearing a helmet is always recommended, particularly on high-traffic roads, other busy areas and during more dangerous forms of the sport such as mountain biking. Many states in the United States have passed laws that require riders to wear bike helmets while riding, since the risk of injury or fatality while bike riding can be high, especially for children. When you are riding your... View Article

Things You Didn’t Know About Bike Helmets

July 14, 2017 12:02 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you are a bicycle enthusiast, or even a casual rider, you’ve likely heard all about the importance of wearing a helmet while riding. Bike helmets are extremely beneficial to all bicycle riders due to the safety they provide against fall impacts to the head and face. Biking can be a dangerous sport, especially on high-traffic roads, and a bike helmet in Naples, FL is an absolute necessity. That being said, there are many things the average bike rider does not know about bike helmets, like how they came to be or how they are tested for safety. Since helmets are such a large part of biking, we’ve compiled a list of interesting things you probably didn’t know about bike... View Article