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Savvy Cycling Can Help You Avoid Motorist Errors

August 14, 2019 2:11 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Bike riding is a fantastic option for people who want an alternative way to commute to the office or people who simply want to enjoy some exercise outdoors on the weekends. Regardless of when or why you ride your bike, you probably know how important it is to be safe on the road, especially when you are sharing it with motorists. To ensure you stay safe and avoid collisions with motorists on the road, here are several bike riding tips in Naples, FL that you should put into practice: Use designated bike lanes: A lot of cyclists assume that it’s safer to ride on the sidewalk, but this isn’t the case. Riding your bicycle on the sidewalk can cause conflicts... View Article

Avoiding Cyclist Errors

July 26, 2019 2:08 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you often ride your bicycle on the road, you’re probably familiar with bicycle laws and the rules that govern cyclists. However, it’s also important to be aware of recommended bike safety in Naples, FL. When you’re sharing the road with other, more powerful and much larger motorized vehicles, it’s easy to get hurt. While other drivers should be paying attention to their surroundings and looking out for you, if you also practice these safety tips, you’re much more likely to stay safe: Know the rules of the road: Traffic laws apply to everyone operating a vehicle on the road, and your bike counts as a vehicle. That means you have to stop at stop signs and red lights, ride... View Article

Understanding Florida’s Bicycle Traffic Laws

July 12, 2019 2:08 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re a cyclist and regularly ride your bike on the streets, it’s important to be aware of bicycle laws in Naples, FL. Riding your bike in traffic subjects you to traffic laws that apply to vehicles, and more specifically to bicycles. Believe it or not, you can get a vehicle ticket while riding your bike! Read on to learn about the laws that pertain to you when you’re riding your bicycle. Your bicycle counts as a vehicle The most important thing to keep in mind with regards to bicycle laws in Naples, FL is that your bicycle counts as a vehicle if you’re riding on the road, which means you are subject to the same rules that govern the... View Article

Reasons to Rent a Bike from Big Momma’s Bicycles

June 26, 2019 12:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

You may be considering buying a bike, but haven’t been able to make the commitment yet. Or, you may want to rent a bike for a trip while you’re out of town. There are many reasons to rent a bike from a reputable bike store. Big Momma’s Bicycles is a full-service bicycle shop offering bike sales and bike rental in Naples, FL, along with critical repair and tune-up services. Read on to learn more about the benefits of renting bike from Big Momma’s! Better bike choices Many bike stores may have bicycle renting options, but they don’t offer their best bikes for renting. You may be stuck with an older model that’s been the property of many riders for a... View Article

Adjusting Handlebars to Prevent Numbness and Soreness

June 12, 2019 12:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Any long-term cyclist knows that soreness may just be part of the sport. However, if you’re experiencing excessive numbness or soreness, you may have an improperly fitting bike. Visit a bicycle shop to make sure all your components are properly adjusted and minimize soreness after long rides. You want to limit stress on your body so you can enjoy a long, pain-free ride. Follow these tips for adjusting your bike yourself, and visit a local bike shop to pick up any bike accessories in Naples, FL that might help with comfort: The right size frame: Before you can make any adjustments, you’ll want to make sure you are riding the right size bike for your height. No number of adjustments... View Article