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Tips for Teaching a Child to Ride a Bike

April 7, 2020 1:58 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Learning to ride a bike is a rite of passage for children. While zooming down the sidewalk might be thrilling for the child, the thought of teaching them how to ride a bike might seem stressful. Luckily, there are a few bike riding tips in Naples, FL that you can follow to make the experience a memory you and your child never forget. Make sure your child is ready to ride In order to successfully teach your child to ride a bike, they must be excited to learn. If they don’t seem to be ready, give them time and space. If they choose when they are ready to learn, they will be more enthusiastic and more likely to listen to... View Article

Discover the Benefits of Cycling for Weight Loss

March 26, 2020 1:45 am Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’ve decided to get back on the weight loss wagon, you might be dreading it already. Exercise is often less than fun, especially if you’re just getting into it, and progress can seem frustratingly slow. That’s why it’s so important to find a form of exercise that you enjoy on its own, taking your mind off how much weight you’re losing and focusing on the fun of the activity itself. Biking is not only an incredibly effective form of exercise, but bike rentals in Naples, FL also allow you to get out into nature and enjoy your surroundings. Here’s why we love cycling for weight loss: Boosts your mood: Exercise releases endorphins, which are one of the brain’s “feel... View Article

A Beginner’s Guide to E-Bikes

February 27, 2020 5:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Bike technology is keeping pace with our rapidly changing world. While many bicyclists prefer a move back towards the simplicity of single speed bikes, others are looking forward to using an e-bike as their next way to move on two wheels. E-bikes are, simply put, electric bicycles—that is, bicycles that are aided in their movement by the introduction of some sort of electric component. They offer bicyclists a chance to pedal with less effort or even take breaks altogether. Our team is ready to help you figure out what an e-bike can do for you. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at e-bike rentals in Naples, FL. What is an e-bike? An e-bike, to reiterate, is any... View Article

Tips for Riding on a Sandy Beach

February 15, 2020 12:03 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Where do you usually go for your bike outings in Naples, FL? With so many beaches nearby, these shorelines can offer great destinations for your ride. However, sand can be a challenging terrain for bike riders. Don’t let that stop you. Use the following tips to master sandy bike rides and enjoy the beaches as you take your next bike outing in Naples, FL. Choose the right ride Not all bikes are suited for sandy terrain. You’ll need the right tire style to be able to ride over the grainy beach. Typically, the best choice for sand is oversized rims and tires, so choose a fat bike if you want to ride at the beach. This style can handle the... View Article

Why Single Speed Bikes Are Appealing

February 13, 2020 5:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There are more options out there on the market for bikers than ever before. Regardless of whether you are buying or renting, there has never been more diversity in materials, capabilities or just plain choice of products. Bikers can choose carbon or titanium frames or different gear ratios, just to name a few options out there. Particularly, single speed bike rental in Naples, FL is one area of biking that we have seen explosive growth in over recent years. These have seen a rebirth of sorts, and more and more of our customers are choosing them as an option that they want to pursue. What is a single speed bike? Simply put, a single speed bike is a bike that... View Article